Energy in and energy out is usually the simplest equation for weight – loss, however sometimes there are other factors de- railing you in your weight- loss goals, writes Good’s contributing nutritionist and naturopath Jess Blair.
This little butterfly shaped gland on the front of our neck, this little gland, although little, is imperative to your metabolism. Hypothyroidism means the thyroid gland is underactive and fails to secrete enough hormones into the bloodstream. This in turn as well as fatigue, cold hands and feet it can make you gain weight. Thyroid health is so important to maintain, and also to help from getting worse if you do have sub- clinical hypothyroidism symptoms. There are different foods and medications and also lifestyle that can adversely affect your thyroid, as well as foods, herbs and nutrients that can be beneficial for your thyroid health.
Insulin Resistance
Although there are no real symptoms of insulin resistance, those that have this find that they get weight gain around their stomachs. Insulin is an essential hormone that has many actions within the body. Most actions of insulin are directed at metabolism. Insulin also regulates the functions of the body’s cells, including their growth. Insulin is critical for the body’s use of glucose as energy. Insulin resistance is when the body becomes ‘ resistant’ to insulin, and the pancreas works over time trying to produce enough insulin, until it can no longer produce enough and blood sugar rises. There are different ways of treatment insulin resistance through herbs and also different nutrients and also foods.
Adrenal Fatigue
Our adrenal glands govern our stress response, by secreting hormones relative to our stress levels. They actually help control many hormonal cycles and functions in our body. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol. Cortisol job is also to activate our body with fuel until we eat, with activating glucose, fats and amino acids. Long term stress, the amount of cortisol and also insulin remain high in the blood, and the extra glucose is stored as fat, usually around our belly.
Hormonal imbalances
Having high levels of oestrogen can cause bloating, and fluid retention. Progesterone is one of the body’s natural diuretic which helps get rid of extra fluid, so if there is an imbalance between oestrogen/ progesterone there can be some weight gain there. Low progesterone is also related to low thyroid function, which can in turn can impact your weight. Progesterone is also needed to normalise blood sugar levels.