
In my past columns, I’ve talked about three routes to happiness. You can strive for a happy life, a meaningful life, or a rich life (one that’s filled with variety and experiences that change your perspective). These pathways are mostly based on what you do.

How taking a break from social media can boost your wellbeing – in ways you never expected. Last year when I was in the middle of writing my latest book, Natural Care, I decided to conduct an experiment on myself. I would give up social media

The importance of a good night’s sleep is undervalued in today’s society. But research suggests it’s far more important than we give it credit for. What if we valued the time we spent sleeping just as much as our waking hours? Imagine a world with sensible

Imagine a world where being kind is taught in school, it’s at the top of companies’ values and people are hired not only on their IQ, but their EQ. Dutch researcher and author Rutger Bregman thinks there is a reason to believe people are inherently good. Bregman’s

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