
Understanding and Balancing Your Chakras

In our quest for harmony and inner fulfilment, we often find ourselves drawn to ancient wisdom that offers profound insights into our human existence. Among the many transformative systems is the concept of chakras – most of which may have been introduced to us through yoga, which reveals the interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. Embarking on an exploration of the chakras opens a gateway to understanding and harnessing our inner energy, paving the way for profound healing, personal growth, and self-discovery.

Chakras can be thought of, in the simplest terms, as spinning wheels of energy.

To make it simpler for modern day, people tend to stick with seven chakras – each vibrating at different frequencies within each individual. The red Root chakra (the Sanskrit name Muladhara) sits at the base of the spine and the Crown chakra (the Sanskrit name Sahasrara) is the crown of the head.

The Root chakra (Muladhara) corresponds with a feeling of belonging, trust, safety and grounding. When it’s in balance, you will feel abundant and have a beautiful sense of belonging to the earth. When this red chakra is out of balance, you will feel a sense of lack, feel disconnected from nature and may be unable to settle.

The Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) – colour orange – is located in front of the sacrum, below the navel. It corresponds with creativity, joy, self-expression and sexuality. When it’s in balance, you will have great connections with others and will feel sensual and have an ease in creating. When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel fear, insecurity, or lack of libido, and you may feel a lack of magnetism.

The Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) – colour yellow – is located above the navel. It symbolises confidence, empowerment and drive. You will feel strength, courage, willpower and a sense of direction when this chakra is balanced. When it’s out of balance, you will feel power-hungry, competitive, and controlling, or self-conscious, indecisive and stuck.

The green Heart chakra (Anahata), is located in the centre of the chest.

It is your compass – corresponding with purpose, love, compassion and empathy. When it’s in balance, you will be open to life itself, relationships, and you will attract your desires and be in joy. When the green chakra is out of balance, you will feel anxious, co-dependent, jealous, lonely, and have conflicts in many areas of life.

The Throat chakra (Vishuddha), depicted by the colour pale blue, is located in your throat and stands over the ears. It corresponds with our communication and self-expression of your unique creativity. When it is in balance, you will have a strong sense of integrity and will have no problem expressing yourself. If it’s out of balance, you will notice people not listening to you, and you may be holding back speaking your truth.

Coloured indigo, the Third Eye chakra (Ajna) is located in between the eyebrows. This chakra corresponds with introspection, intuition and perception. When balanced, you will have good visualisation and see multiple people’s perspectives. When it is out of balance, you will feel unfocused and unable to imagine or visualise your future.

The Crown chakra (Sahasrara), colour violet, is located at the top of the head. It corresponds with higher consciousness and the spiritual realm. When it is in balance, you will feel a sense of faith, feel at peace, and wisdom will flow easily. When the violet chakra is out of balance, you will have a sense of worry and feel sceptical and unsupported.

Keeping your chakras balanced is an important part of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

There are many ways one can balance their chakras, but one of the most effective techniques is to bring your awareness to the area, and learn to listen to what that area is trying to tell you. You can bring touch to the area and focus on breathing into that area to help you feel the connection. By balancing each chakra, you’ll address the cause of an issue, bringing it back into alignment.

“If we work from the energy first within our bodies, we have a way of healing the root cause, rather than trying to put band-aids onto any ailment,” says Fiona McLeod, founder of Siren Soul. “If we look at the deepest core aspect of that imbalance, then we can more easily build a stronger foundation and heal from the root cause up.”

Mindfulness can help to balance your chakras. Taking 10-15 minutes to ground yourself through either yoga or meditation can help you focus and can provide insight into which of your chakras is out of balance. Gardening or spending time in nature can also help with grounding yourself, or connecting yourself to the present moment.

Colour can also help. Whether it’s adding a splash of colour to your home, office, or wardrobe, adding a certain colour to your life can help with the corresponding chakra. According to Diana Maties, co-founder of Life Light NZ, if you choose what you want to wear for the day without worrying about how it will look to others, “you will choose the colour that will benefit your energy field the most.”

Crystals and essential oils can also balance your chakras. Many believe that they can be charged with positive energy. Daphne Latzelsberger, a Reiki Master at Titirangi Body Mind Balance, says that to charge them, leave them out during a full moon or in full sunlight. Both crystals and essential oils can help to ground yourself or help you keep a positive mindset throughout the day.

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