
Five Christmas gift ideas under $100 that keep on giving

Whether you’re a last-minute Christmas shopper or stuck for ideas, here’s a gift your friends and family will love! It’s a gift with a difference, it’s well within your budget, it doesn’t involve lining up in big queues at the mall, and it’s waste-free.

Tearfund’s Gift for Life is a charity catalogue filled with unique and meaningful gift ideas. Pick a gift, Tearfund will send you a card and your gift will be sent overseas to a family living in poverty.

Let’s look at the two most popular Gift for Life gifts, plus three new gifts that have been added to the range this year! There are 17 gifts to choose from!

A goat is a simple, yet effective way to help reduce the vulnerability of people in low-income countries.

A goat is a simple, yet effective way to help reduce the vulnerability of people in low-income countries. The goat’s milk, which can also be made into cheese, acts as a nutritious boost to the family’s diet. The extra milk and cheese can be sold at the market to increase the family’s income. Want to pair it with something physical for your loved one? What about goat soap?

Support a small business.

Most of us appreciate a caffeine boost to start our day, but your donation means a whole lot more to coffee growers in Vanuatu. Coffee is a cash crop that can generate income, helping to pay for school expenses so children can receive an education. You could pair this Gift for Life card with a coffee mug and some coffee beans.

You can show love to a family on the move with a care package full of essentials like soap, shampoo and nappies for babies. Why not pair this Gift for Life card with your own care package designed especially for your loved one.

Families fleeing the violence in Ukraine are arriving in Poland with next to nothing. You can show love to a family on the move with a care package full of essentials like soap, shampoo and nappies for babies. Why not pair this Gift for Life card with your own care package designed especially for your loved one.

Life is hard for families who’ve been forced to flee their homes because of conflict.

Life is hard for families who’ve been forced to flee their homes because of conflict. With limited options and little income, families struggle to provide things like school supplies, toys and clothes. Your gift provides these and so much more!

Life can be hard for children and women living in poverty in Nepal.

Life can be hard for children and women living in poverty in Nepal. Human traffickers know this and exploit them for their gain. Your gift helps women and children learn to identify human trafficking in their community and protect themselves from harm.

Pick a gift from Tearfund’s catalogue, give a card to your family or friends, and donate a life-changing gift to someone in need. Giving a little has never meant so much!

For a full range of our gifts click here.

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