
7 tips for keeping chickens at home

Bugs are good for their diet

Lots of bugs and insects found roaming around the backyard are beneficial to chickens. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, are an excellent source of protein, and contain essential amino acids. However, although part of a chicken’s natural diet, insects can carry parasites and diseases. To avoid any risks, maintain a clean coop and never feed chickens insects that have fed on rotting meat.

Chickens value their hygiene

Another reason to maintain the chicken coop, is because they love to be clean! You’ve probably seen a chicken flapping about in the dust or preening themselves – it’s something they spend a significant portion of their day doing. Chickens have a natural desire to keep themselves clean and healthy, something essential for their survival in the wild. Dust bathing helps to remove dirt and parasites from their feathers and also helps to regulate their body temperature.

Have enough chickens to get enough eggs

A number of factors determine the number of eggs a chicken produces, such as a chicken’s breed, age, diet and health. As a general guideline, though, you should have three chickens per two members of a household. Of course, the available space you have to fit chickens into your yard should also be considered.

Follow the rules and be a good neighbour

Also be sure to keep up-to-date with the latest council regulations for poultry – this can always be found online. It’s also a good idea to let your neighbours know that you plan to get chickens. This will make life easier!

Keeping chickens with children

Keeping chickens can be a fun and educational activity for children, but it’s important to make sure that everyone is safe. Children should always be supervised when interacting with chickens, and it’s a good idea to teach them how to properly handle the animals. After any interaction, make sure everyone’s hands are washed!

Don’t feed them all your food scraps

Most fruits and vegetables are safe for chicken consumption, but be sure to remove any seeds, stones  or peels that could pose a choking hazard. Dairy is safe in moderation, and any meat should be cooked with bones removed. Also be sure to not feed chickens any foods that are high in salt, sugar, or spices, plus foods that are toxic to them including rhubarb and rhubarb leaf, raw potato and peels, green tomatoes, caffeine and chocolate.

Be mindful of the hierarchy

Body language is used to establish dominance.

Within a flock, there is a pecking order – each chicken knows its place in the social structure. Dominance is evident by which chicken is controlling food and nesting areas. Those at a lower rank may often be excluded from such resources. Keep an eye on those at the bottom of the pecking order to ensure they’re getting enough food, shelter, and anything else they need to be happy and healthy.

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