What can you do in five minutes to improve your health? Kiwis will get the opportunity to find out when they participate in the new ‘5-Minute Take a Bite for Breast Cancer’ health challenge, developed by Pink Lady Apples New Zealand as part of their new partnership with the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.

What can you do in five minutes to improve your health? Kiwis will get the opportunity to find out when they participate in the new ‘5-Minute Take a Bite for Breast Cancer’ health challenge, developed by Pink Lady Apples New Zealand as part of their new partnership with the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.
Between now and October, every Pink Lady apple purchased will help fund research, education and support for New Zealand women with breast cancer, but Pink Lady’s natural, healthy deliciousness contributes positively to Kiwi’s overall health – in five-minute bites.
Pink Lady Apples’ Campaign Manager, Lisa Cork says that the 5-Minute health challenge campaign is a new way to look at taking time for yourself as well as supporting Pink Lady’s exciting new partnership with the Breast Cancer Foundation.

“The concept originally came about through discussions about how long it takes to enjoy a Pink Lady apple,” she says. “On average, it takes about 5 minutes to eat an apple – particularly if you savour each bite. But we realised that snacking on a Pink Lady is more than just a 5-minute delicious bite of nutrition. It is an opportunity to breathe, de-stress and enjoy 5 minutes just for yourself.”
Head to the Pink Lady Apple Facebook page for 5-Minute Take a Bite tips include ideas such as calling a friend, preparing a nutritious snack, mindful breathing, turning off technology, embracing a winters day by taking a walk and more. Each tip is simple, easy and a reminder to women that 5 minutes is all it takes to do something healthy just for you.
There’s also great prize to be won for those who take part in the challenge via Facebook; from hot pink Fitbits, t-shirts and apple slicers to juicers and bags of Pink Lady apples.
“We hope that everyone gets behind the promotion, because, in addition to the health benefits, purchasing Pink Lady apples is an easy way to support the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation,” says Cork.
Pink Lady Apples are in-store now. Look for the bright pink apple packs featuring the pink heart and the pink ribbon in the fruit and veggie section. Pink Lady Apples are offering $1 off purchase coupons as a way of thanking Kiwis for supporting Pink Lady Apples in their support of the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation.
For more go to pinklady.co.nz/promotions, download and then print your electronic money-off coupon. Take it to your nearest listed stockist and look for the Pink Lady® pink heart logo and NZ BCF ribbon in the fruit and veg department. For a list of stockists, visit: pinklady.co.nz/where-to-buy