Re-Charge Smoothie Bowl

By Rachel Grunwell

February 28, 2023

Every morning I do a movement ritual. I either lift weights, go running or stretch out with some yoga. Last year I learnt how to do double-under skipping, which was such a hard challenge, but so satisfying to get results. For those who don’t know what double under skipping is… it’s when the skipping rope passes twice under your feet with every single jump. So, it turns out that this old dog can learn new tricks after all! Albeit slowly…

My go-to after movement in the morning is usually a smoothie bowl. I’ve been having this one on repeat for a while. I love the bright pink colour of the smoothie, which comes from the strawberries and the dragon fruit. Make sure you use the dragon fruit variety with pink flesh, not white, to get the vibrant pink colour.

Re-Charge Bowl

Serves 1

1 cup almond milk

1 scoop of protein powder (I use NuZest)

2 tablespoons collagen powder (I use Great Lakes Gelatin)

¼ dragon fruit (remove skin). Alternatively you can leave this ingredient if it is too hard to source, but it really does make your smoothie pop with a pink colour. Another alternative is to use 1 teaspoon of beetroot powder which gives the same look.

½ cup strawberries (remove green tops)

Topping – use a granola of your choice

Place all the ingredients in a blender and then pour into a bowl. Use a topping so you get some crunch in the experience, and this fills you up too.

Rachel is a wellness expert and author of Balance: Food, Health + Happiness

Instagram @rachelgrunwell

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