Make your own cross-over apron

By Good Magazine

June 2, 2017

Whip up this simple cross-over apron to use during the festive season or to give away. This apron is quick and easy to make – and only requires sewing in straight lines! 

For more fantastic Christmas craft ideas in association with Brother, see issue 45 of Good out now 

1  Fold the apron body in half and put a pin at the central point. Measure 12cm from centre on each side and mark with pins. This is where your front straps will go. 

2. Fold the first strap in half along the long edge. Stitch, then turn inside out and press. 

3. Repeat with the second strap.

4. With right sides together, pin the straps into place upside down along the top edge of the apron so the raw edges are lined up.Try the apron on at this point to check you have them in the right place.

5.  With right sides still together, lay the facing strip on top of the straps along the entire top edge of the apron and stitch.

6. Turn in the right way and press.

7. Turn the raw edge of the facing under, press, then stitch to the body of the apron. 

8. Hem the sides and then the bottom of the apron

Download the pattern and measurements guide here

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