The Good team recently held a sold-out reader event at Nosh Food Market in Mt Eden which was also the official book launch for Caralee Caldwell’s second book, Real Food Everyday. Here’s how it went.
Wednesday May 4 saw Good readers, Nosh Food Market customers and fans of award-winning food blogger and author Caralee Caldwell come together to celebrate the official book launch of Caldwell’s new book, Real Food Everyday, which we are sure will be just as popular as her first book Real Food Pledge and her blog, which she launched in 2013 to keep herself on track to cut processed food from her diet. Real Food Everyday contains more than 90 gluten-, dairy- and refined sugar-free recipes.
Caralee did a live demo of four of the new recipes from the book, including her Roast Zucchini and Almond Dip, Sundried Tomato and Basil Loaf, Indian Spiced Cauliflower Rice, and the most incredible Raw Choc Mint Cake we couldn’t get enough of, before answering further questions and doing a book signing at the end of the night.
Everyone in attendance left with smiles on their faces after a lovely night out with friends and family, as well as a goodie bag in hand from us at Good and a copy of Real Food Everyday.
Thanks again for everyone who came along on the night – and a special thanks to Nosh Food Market Mt Eden and of course Caralee Caldwell for her inspiring recipes which she explained are so easy to make at home. You can also see some of Caralee’s delicious recipes from her new book in the May/June issue of Good, out now.
For more about Caralee’s new book, Real Food Everyday, see her blog