Portrayals of teen sex on the net has been a big topic of debate lately among some Good readers. Here’s a selection of some of the posts readers have been commenting on …
Portrayals of teen sex on the net has been a big topic of debate lately among some Good readers. Here’s a selection of some of the posts readers have been commenting on …
One mother’s response to her teenage son’s friends posting sexy self-portraits on the internet:Last night, our family sat around the dining-room table and looked through the summer’s social media photos. We have teenage sons, and so naturally there are quite a few pictures of you lovely ladies to wade through. Wow – you sure took a bunch of selfies in your skimpy PJs this summer! … I get it – you’re in your room, so you’re heading to bed, right? But then I can’t help but notice the red carpet pose, the extra-arched back, and the sultry pout. What’s up? None of these positions is one I naturally assume before sleep … Read more
And a critical response taking another view:
What teenage girl doesn’t have at least one or two pictures of herself on a beach in a swimsuit or striking a red-carpet pose? It’s perfectly natural to want to look good in pictures, just as it is in the rest of life. Why not dress in a way that flatters your body and accentuates your best features? … [This] propagates the far-too-common idea that young women are responsible for how others see us and what actions they take. Read more
And another interesting comment – what we need to say to our boys:
Remember that intimate conversation you had with your son? The one where you said, “I love you and I need you to know that no matter how a woman dresses or acts, it is not an invitation to cat call, taunt, harass or assault her”? Or when you told your son, “A woman’s virginity isn’t a prize and sleeping with a woman doesn’t earn you a point”? Read more
And while we’re on the topic of the negative sexualisation of young women, here’s Sinéad O’Connor’s open letter to Miley Cyrus:
After the 20-year-old claimed that Wrecking Ball’s controversial video was inspired by Nothing Compares 2 U, the Irish singer was compelled to warn Cyrus that she is being ‘pimped’ by the pop industry. Read more
What do you think? Share your opinion in the comments!