Cheat Sheet: Incidental exercise

By Good Magazine

June 2, 2017

Looking to shed a bit or just become a little healthier heading into summer? Kiwi fitness instructor Samantha Bluemel suggests upping your daily incidental exercise to help you look and feel better, without having to run a marathon to get there. Try these easy 7 tips 

To read more about high intensity exercise, read our Testcase feature here

1. How many times do you bend over in a day? Save your back and instead of bending to pick things up, turn it into a squat – working those glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. 

2. Park a block away from your office and walk that extra bit. If you work on the first or second floor, don’t resort to the easy option of the lift. 

3. Aim to get up every half an hour you sit working, and do a quick walk around the building. Try introducing a pilates ball into your workplace to replace your office chair. You’ll notice your posture; core strength and balance improve in next to no time. 

4. Become aware of your posture. Keeping your shoulders back and stomach held in while sitting or walking will all help strengthen your inner core. 

5. Live by a park or the coast? Make the most of daylight savings and your surroundings by taking yourself (or the dogs) for an after-dinner stoll. Instead of meeting girlfriends for a coffee, make it a walking chin-wag. 

6. Waiting at the lights, sitting in a boring meeting or queuing in a supermarket? Use the moment to stretch your toes or contract and relax your pelvic floor. 

7. Really get stuck into the garden! Enjoy the smell of fresh lawns and weed-free corners while working up a sweat. See for planting ideas. 

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