
From issue 58.Indian cuisine makes going vegetarian simple… and delicious. The delicate spices can be altered to suit your tastes. Traditional dhal is served hot, often with a side of steaming basmati, but I’m turning it into a snack to enjoy on a balmy evening

From issue 58.Japanese cuisine is one of my all-time favourites: it’s clean, simple and beautifully presented. The crispy tofu adds something special and the tomato in the dashi gives it a whole other depth of flavour. Crispy Tofu 1 packet tofu, drained, cubed2 tbsp cornstarch Shiitake Dashi1½ cups

From Issue 58.Let’s head to the Middle East and enjoy its earthy, zingy flavours through one of our favourite vegetables, cauliflower. Roasting really does take it to another level, and any leftovers can be kept for a salad the next day. 1 cauliflower head, florets removed1 tbsp

Recipes Jane Lyons. Photography Kate Battersby. Styling Sacha Wackrow. Infusing spirits is a fun and easy way to personalise a gift for someone. A favourite is this fresh and festive summer infusion of bay leaf and lemon. Best served with ice, plenty of fresh lemon and

Recipe by Rachel Grunwell. Photography and styling by Aimee Mange My kids spent their youth drinking hot chocolates – or “fluffies” if we went to cafes. The fluffies are milk foam with chocolate sprinkled on top with two marshmallows. It’s always a fun burst of sugar

The more you learn about coffee and cacao, the more you discover fascinating links between these two seemingly unrelated plants. They both produce beans that are transformed into two of the world’s favourite treats; they both grow in tropical climates all around the world; and

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