By Yelena Bebich, Kundalini teacher & women’s circle facilitator
Watch the video and do the meditation with me. See below for my explanation and guidance.
Sat Nam!
Today I’m excited to show you a meditation practice called ‘Meditation for a Calm Heart’.
I have found this meditation very useful at different times in my life – when I’ve felt anxious or had a lot of emotional turbulence and change happening. This meditation will help you to cultivate a peaceful heart and a neutral mind, so that you can communicate from your intuition, grounded in peace.
How often do we believe that we are enough, just as we are?
I would guess that many of us struggle to believe this. Sometimes the world feels judgmental. We have all received messages in childhood that tell us that we are only ‘good’ when we win, sit quietly, and don’t cry. The list goes on.
We continue to receive these messages into adulthood. For example, “I will be good enough when I have the perfect job that I’m passionate about”. We all have our personal, self-imposed bar to reach.
Many of us have been running on this unconscious treadmill to prove something to the world. Isn’t it tiring? The truth is that none of these things bring self-worth. We can only really feel good enough when we tap into the endless supply of love and compassion that resides within ourselves.
In this meditation we will be working with the mantra “I am, I am.” This mantra is simple yet powerful. When we say “I am”, our minds try to complete the sentence: I am what? I am strong, I am a lawyer, I am young, I am a parent, etc. But when we answer right away with another “I Am,” we guide ourselves to think “I Am What I Am.”
“I am what I am, and that is enough.” Ahh, self- acceptance.
Remember that you are not your job, the clothes you wear, your income, your partner or your kids. You are not your face, your body, the fancy car you drive, or the house you live in. These things are wonderful and to be enjoyed, but all of these things are finite and bound to change.
The movement in this meditation expresses the meaning of the mantra and helps you to fully embody “I Am, I Am.” You move the left arm toward your body (The finite flesh and bones self) with the first “I Am.” Then you move it away from your body (into the universal realm, the expanded & infinite self) with the second “I Am.”
“I am” me, my identity, “I am,” also part of something much bigger than that.
Do this meditation each morning to remind you of this truth.
Yelena x
I have found this meditation very useful at different times in my life – when I’ve felt anxious or had a lot of emotional turbulence and change happening. This meditation will help you to cultivate a peaceful heart and a neutral mind, so that you can communicate from your intuition, grounded in peace.
Yelena x