It’s common to skip meals, forget to eat or to feel unmotivated to prepare a meal. Here are five tips to help you get through the busy, stressful or overwhelming days.
1. Be kind to yourself
It’s easy to forget about your own needs. If you look after yourself by eating something nourishing, moving your body (even for 5-10 minutes) and going to bed early, you’ll feel more prepared to face challenges each day.
2. Keep it simple
Now is not the time to start a new diet, try your hand at baking sourdough or attempt a complicated recipe! Stick to the meals you know and can make while on autopilot. Some days just eating will be an achievement in itself.
3. Take shortcuts
A quick meal will give your brain a break. We’re not striving for perfection here. Eggs on toast, a ready-made meal or a packet of soup can go a long way. Build up a stash of frozen leftovers such as pasta or curry so that you can feel like you’re winning on a day that got away on you.
4. Tap into taste
When life is busy, we can easily look past the enjoyment in eating and can eat quickly without noticing what or how much we’re eating. Slow down, get rid of distractions and tune into your eating experience. It may well be a welcome distraction too.
5. Try new ways
It may be tempting to pour another wine or crack into the gin, but this can lead to you feeling worse. Experiment with new ways of managing stress. Try listening to a podcast, meditation, reading, getting into nature, gentle exercise, or calling someone for a chat.