Five ways with feijoas

By Sophie Baird

March 29, 2018

Packed with fibre and antioxidants, this low-calorie superfood is not only delicious but extremely versatile. Here are 5 ways to get feijoas into your diet.

Add it to your smoothie

Scoop out the pulp from a handful feijoas, add a few ice cubs, ½ of milk and 1 cup of plain yogurt. Just blend together and there you have it, an easy but healthy morning booster.

Delicious Jam

If you are lucky enough to have a feijoa tree, make use of the fruit abundance by whipping up a fresh batch of jam. Spread on a cracker or piece of toast and enjoy!

Chop up over a bowl of cereal

There is nothing like a piece of fruit to add an energy kick to your cereal. feijoas are full of vitamin C, which if you eat during the morning, it will help to replenish energy lost during the night.

Use in baking

Of course, we can’t skip past how good feijoas are in baking. They can be used in anything from cheesecake to tarts. We love the thought of a feijoa white chocolate muffin. Yum!

Homemade ice-blocks

Cool down after a long day or exercise session with a refreshing ice-block. Simply chop up as many feijoas you like, place them in an ice-block tray, add a dash water to fill and freeze.

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