Photography by Ralph Brown
Upcoming exhibitions at the Homestead Galleries at Corban Estate Arts Centre kick off November 4th until 11th December.
Corban Estate Arts Centre is currently featuring two exhibitions you won’t want to miss. Showcasing work from all female artists, these purposeful designs draw on familial connection, whakapapa and storytelling.
Gallery one features artist Dr Leonie Ngahuia Mansbridge’s collection ‘Mā te horo nuku ka tūrangawaewae ai koe, To stand in place of the landscape’.
Ngahuia Mansbridge’s intuitive landscape paintings explore her connection to whenua as intertwined with her own whakapapa. She illustrates how whenua assumes an awareness of belonging for Māori in spirituality and identity, from near and afar.
Gallery two ‘Her heirlooms in my garden’ features works from a group of contemporary artists working to cultivate the meaningful connections from gardens, specifically using these spaces for maternal connection and the sharing of intergenerational knowledge with their mothers, aunts and grandmothers.
Through embroidery, textiles, ceramics, painting and mixed media, these artists tenderly share their personal experience as the recipients of the flowers and precious heirlooms cultivated within the garden.
‘Her heirlooms in my garden’ features work from talented artists Quishile Charan, Cora-Allan, Debbie Harris, Hollie Ryan, Ashleigh Taupaki and Molly Timmins.
Keep up to date with current exhibitions at Corban Estate Arts Centre.