Canterbury Blackcurrants dubbed superfood

By Good Magazine

June 25, 2020

A recent clinical study has proven the cardioprotective effectiveness of CurraNZ® blackcurrant extract after ‘turning back the clock ten years’ in a project on arterial health in adults. 

Along with already being high in Vitamin C, great for endurance, recovery and mental clarity, blackcurrants – especially those grown in Christchurch – are indeed a superfood.

New Zealand blackcurrants contain one of the highest concentrations of polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidants of any commercially-grown blackcurrant worldwide. The region’s high ultra-violet sunlight stimulates the fruit into producing high concentrations of polyphenolic compounds which deliver an array of health and fitness benefits.

The recent clinical study adds to the developing picture of its potential health benefits for adults. It is the second study to show that just using the supplement for a week can lower stress from the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure in older adults to clinically significant degrees.

“It is quite remarkable that New Zealand blackcurrant extract was able to reduce the stiffness of the blood vessels and blood pressure in just 7 days. All good for healthy vascular aging, and good news for the heart as well as it needs to work less hard”, says study collaborator Dr Mark Willems of the University of Chichester.

Hardening of the arteries occurs with age and is strongly influenced by diet and lifestyle factors. Smoking, high alcohol intake, lack of exercise, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, obesity, stress and inflammatory conditions all contribute to arterial stiffness, which can be controlled by healthy diet and lifestyle choices. The condition can precede hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in New Zealand, that annually accounts for 40% of all deaths and strategies are needed for prevention.

CurraNZ® is the only high-potency, Informed-Sport-certified New Zealand blackcurrant anthocyanin extract available in New Zealand, Australia and Europe. Each capsule contains the equivalent of a generous handful of premium New Zealand blackcurrants.

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