Start here with FutureFit
I take my reusable coffee cup, I recycle, I compost and I may have even skipped my overseas trip this year in favour of a local holiday, but is it enough? And can one person really make a difference?
As Kate Sheppard once said, ‘Do not think your single vote does not matter much. The rain that refreshes the parched ground is made up of single drops’
We are facing one of the biggest challenges of our time and will be remembered as the generation that took climate action. But where do we start?
If you’ve ever wondered, what single action will reduce your carbon footprint most? The answer is
FutureFit is a gamified carbon footprint tool developed by Auckland Council and backed by science. It enables you to discover your impact on papatūānuku (the planet) and ways you can reduce it.
So far, thousands of Kiwis already use it, with a combined carbon saving of 347,000kg (the equivalent to driving from Auckland to Wellington 2,524 times).
FutureFit gives you an assessment of your carbon impact in various categories – transport (often the biggest), power, food and living. Each is colour-coded, quickly showing where you can make the most significant difference to your lifestyle. Use FutureFit to find out your personal carbon savings potential.
Sophie Heighway, Auckland Council’s Sustainability Initiatives Manager, says FutureFit is a tool to empower people to take actions that are relevant to them. “As a family, we are already doing a lot to reduce our emissions, but we are having a good chat about our diet. We now have meat-free Mondays and eat a lot less red meat during the week. Using this tool only takes a few minutes and makes climate change feel less overwhelming by showing us what we can all personally do,” she says.
FutureFit lets you set reminders, create goals, earn badges and challenge friends and whanau to take action. Your personal dashboard highlights your carbon savings, showing how you are making a difference as you progress.
“Think of FutureFit as the first step to a carbon-neutral life – a tool personalised to your circumstances without judgment,” says Heighway.
Making a positive difference to climate change will take a person, a family, a village, a city, the planet – sharing the responsibility.