
Whole Berry Strawberry Jam

Enjoy the gorgeous flavour and colour homemade strawberry jam – with whole berries. 

1kg sugar
¾ cup of water
1.5kg fresh strawberries
2 tsp tartaric acid
¼-½ cup pectin-based jam setting mix (optional)

Combine the sugar and water in a large pot or preserving pan. Place on a moderate heat until the sugar has dissolved. Wash and hull the berries and add them to the pan. Bring the mixture to the
boil, stirring frequently. The longer you boil down the fruit, the firmer the jam will be – but the fruit will also be softer and less defined. 

To help the jam set while keeping the fruit whole, boil briskly for three minutes then add the tartaric acid and stir well. Boil for several more minutes. 

Test that the jam will set, then pour into cleaned, warm jars. If the jam is not ready to set, add ¼ to ½ cup pectin-based jam setting mix. Mix and re-boil just long enough to dissolve.

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