Given that we spend thousands of hours asleep throughout a lifetime, investment in quality bedding and mattresses are vital for our health. And we all need sufficient sleep, as, without it, our body produces fewer cytokines, a protein that targets inflammation and infection.
Have you ever wondered why experts recommend replacing your pillow once every 1-2 years?
Some types of pillows lose their support over this time and are breeding grounds for dust mites. Another factor to consider is whether your bedding is toxic. Although a pillow may be the least of our worries, some are made from materials containing chemicals that can disrupt hormones, flare up allergies, and harm our health in other ways.
One type of pillow designed to give you both a plush and healthy experience is a Kapok floss pillow. A 100% vegan fibre, kapok is moisture-resistant and is environmentally kinder than down, feather and polyester. It’s perfect for those who like a soft-feel pillow that’s not too firm. And when wrapped in an organic cotton case, it makes for a safe sleep experience, being non-toxic, hypoallergenic, moisture repellent, and anti-dust mites and microbes.
If like some, you prefer a firmer pillow, you’ll probably want to try a natural latex pillow. The Peacelily brand offers a 100% natural latex pillow sustainably harvested from Sri Lanka, a country that provides some of the world’s highest quality latex. Being a natural resource and free from synthetic latex, polyurethane and memory foam which can cause off-gassing, this latex is a great healthy and allergen-free option.
If this pillow chat has got you thinking about your bedding and mattress, reassuringly, brands like Peacelily offer 100% natural latex rubber mattresses with GOTS certified 100% organic cotton fabric and wadding.
You can read more about the importance of sleep here. Dare we say it, sleeping is one of our favourite activities!