Good magazine’s wellness columnist Rachel Grunwell is an ambassador for the John West 12km Traverse at the Auckland Marathon event on October 29 (alongside elite runner Ciaran Faherty). She writes about life “on-the-run” and shares tips and inspiration.
Words Rachel Grunwell
Girls will outnumber guys when participants line up for the 12km John West Traverse at the Auckland Marathon event.
The event has sold out already, seeing the makeup of the field of walkers and runners include 67 per cent females and 33 per cent males. The average age is 52-years.
So, there will be pony-tails galore. Never mind the seven thousand feet…
Race director, Bec Williams, says the SOLD OUT signs on the 12km John West Traverse are an indication of the excitement around the event.
“The appeal of getting to run or walk over the (Auckland Harbour) bridge is significant and this will be our biggest ever field in the Traverse,” she says.
Williams says entries remain open for the other events still, but are selling quickly, including the 2.2km Kids event, the Heart Foundation 5km Challenge, Barfoot & Thompson Half and the full ASB Marathon.
“All signs are pointing to this being the best ASB Auckland Marathon yet,” says Wiliams.
Meanwhile, Ciaran and I can’t wait to join everyone at this event.
This is such an exciting personal goal for me. I’ve been training hard for this for the past few months, working on trying to pick up my speed.
I love setting new personal goals a couple of times a year. It’s gold for motivation.
At the start of the year, I questioned if I could get faster? After all, I’m not getting any younger. Sigh.
But I had to ignore that doubting mean-girl voice in my head, and instead focus on my goal and just keep working hard at it.
Some days it’s raining and cold and I don’t want to get out of bed to train. But having this goal in mind and knowing the event is looming… well, this scares me into action.
Mind-set is a massive thing – for everyone.
I’m looking forward to the event and being around so many fellow fit-girl runners and walkers. This is my tribe. They’re my kind of people. I can relate to everyone because we have had this same goal driving our mind-set for months. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow we all are at the end of the day. It will be magic for every one of us to reach the finish-line. Whoop!
Rachel is Good magazine’s wellness columnist, teaches yoga-for-runners and blogs on website You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook.