These fragrant stuffed bunnies are perfect for delicately scented drawers!
- Print out the bunny template and use scissors to cut it out just outside the dotted line.
- Either fold a piece of fabric in half, or lay two pieces of contrasting fabric on top of each other with the reverse sides together.
- Pin the template onto the fabric and cut out around the edge.
- Starting at the bottom paw, use your Brother sewing machine set to a straight stich, to sew around the edge of the bunny. Leave the bottom of the rabbit, between the two paws unsewn. Allow a 2cm seam.
- Select zigzag stich and sew around the outside edge of the bunny.
- Without cutting the straight edge seam, carefully snip into the fabric corners.
- Turn the bunny the right way around and fill with a mix of rice and lavender flowers, dried cloves or star anise.
- Fold in the unsewn flap between the rabbit’s two bottom paws and press flat. Sew along this edge to seal.
- Trim any loose threads and decorate with a ribbon tied at the neck.
To download the scented drawer bunny template, click here.
For more Good Easter crafts in association with Brother at your side, click here.